Law of Love.

December 24, 2020 at 9:40 pm (2020, American church, Body of Christ, Culture, Devotional, Love your neighbor, Pandemic, Philosophy, Protests, Religious Commentary, Social Change, wearing masks)


We have taken leave of our senses long enough.

As the body of Christ, we are to lead the way in reconciliation, kindness, love.

Much of the American church is failing in this.

I am an American citizen. With that citizenship comes many privileges and responsibilities. I am also a child of the kingdom of God. With that citizenship comes many privileges and responsibilities and that citizenship supersedes all other allegiances.

These days I often fail to recognize the church. So many American Christians are placing their rights as American citizens far above their obligations as citizens of the kingdom of God.

It seems that instead of holding rallies and protests maybe we should be demonstrating our faith by loving our neighbors. Traditionally, the most basic demonstrations are to bring food to those who need it. Gifts to those who may go without due to the devastating effects that 2020 has had on so many in our nation (not to mention, world). Regardless of personal beliefs about coronavirus, this year there is an even MORE basic way to show love to those around us. It is a demonstration of love to your neighbor, your coworker, your family member, to wear a mask. To socially distance from one another. I am baffled that for many Christians these things are instead considered “radical,” “unconstitutional,” and a “violation” of our rights as Americans. These are simple acts of love for our neighbor that we as a church body are struggling to meet.

Instead, we are exercising our right to gather and protest during the height of a global pandemic. Until this year, I have never wept or so fervently prayed for the body of Christ in America, so obsessed with our rights, that we disregard the safety of others, and worse yet, it seems as though we often toss out the Law of Love (Romans 13:10) in favor of our rights as American citizens.  

Most people recover from COVID19. Great. Both my brothers are highly trained and experienced nurses (one works in the ER and one in ICU). They have both been pulled into the COVID ICU unit during this extended crisis. COVID units are maxed out. ERs are full. And it’s not even Christmas yet. There are too many that don’t recover.

Instead of protesting for our rights, perhaps it’s time to set aside our blind nationalism and embrace our responsibilities as the children of God to love others more than we love ourselves. In doing that, we will be a far better example of the selfless, sacrificial love of God that as Christians we claim to be celebrating tomorrow. What a marvelous gift that would be this year.

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